10 Characteristics of a MarTech Vendor that Brands Should Partner With

Struggling to find the perfect MarTech partner? Discover the top 10 traits you should be looking for that define an ideal vendor and help your business grow.

Feeling overwhelmed by tech choices? You're not alone. Many marketers feel the same. Is it worth it getting through the jungle of an immense wealth of marketing technology vendors? From where we sit, that’s absolutely so as the right partner can transform stress into strategic growth.

Navigating the seemingly unlimited possibilities in the market can be a double-edged sword. There’s a quality-vs-quantity matter, not to say that choosing the right marketing technology vendor is an absolutely nerve-wracking challenge.

Frankly, from our vantage point, we don’t see much of a challenge in it as we have a clear understanding of what makes a vendor an exceptional partner for your business. 

While the quick list below can assist other vendors in enhancing their market position, it’s crafted specifically for you, the discerning marketer. Think of it as a checklist to help you identify not just the right "tool" but the ideal partner to drive your business growth.

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1. Offering strategic value beyond implementation

Who wants a vendor to simply execute tasks as requested? Most marketers need a partner, not a yes-man “tool”. You’d be correct saying that properly implementing solutions is crucial; yet, it’s never enough. Vendors that act as strategic consultants, offering proactive guidance on future-proof MarTech implementations and alerting you to potential pitfalls, are invaluable – rare gems among the MarTech vendors.

For instance, one of our clients faced complex integration issues within its tech stack. They were frustrated and overwhelmed, struggling to connect their CRM with various marketing tools. Darwin stepped in, asking the right questions to understand both their long-term and short-term marketing goals, and identified the specific pain points and challenges. This isn't just about solving technical problems; it's about building a partnership based on trust and shared goals, leading to sustained growth and innovation.

2. Respecting and integrating with your existing MarTech stack

What’s a more significant factor than the vendor's ability to seamlessly integrate with your marketing tech stack? That said, you don’t want your vendor to specialize in only one tool. Platforms like Marketo, Salesforce, Google Analytics, to name a few need to be well-integrated to help marketers see a fuller picture and make sense of the collected data. From there, flexibility in working with various tools and ensuring smooth data integration truly sets some vendors apart and get others eliminated from the competition.

3. Paying close attention to legacy systems for smooth transitions

Before proposing new solutions and radical changes, vendors must thoroughly analyze the current MarTech stack. This approach, while not always the fastest or cheapest, often yields the most efficient and effective outcomes

Seagate, a maverick in its niche, needed to transition from a problematic WordPress setup to a more secure and manageable CMS. So, what was the challenge? Preserving the integrity of its existing data and systems. We guaranteed a smooth transition despite all complexities. Not in a fast and furious fashion but in a secure and functional one that guaranteed stability in Seagate’s marketing operations.

4. Maintaining honesty and integrity in all interactions

Integrity means admitting when a certain technology isn't within the vendor's capability and informing clients about available market alternatives.

Moreover, vendors should persuade clients against adopting unnecessary tools, focusing on truly beneficial solutions. Businesses do value honesty and responsiveness, when critical projects are handled with the utmost priority and care. Always, avoiding unnecessary complexity and costs while ensuring high-quality outcomes​​ is what marketers expect from their partners. Unfortunately, not always this expectation is met.

Stop overpaying for mediocre services! Darwin delivers high quality. At the costs that make sense.


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5. Leveraging expertise in MarTech tools and innovations

Well-versed in the MarTech landscape, a vendor has to classily navigate the categories of tools available and their functionalities. 

AlertMedia needed a partner who could work not only on WordPress, but within all of the additional third party tools the company used. After trying several solutions without success, they turned to Darwin's team that provided strategic support, not only resolving issues directly with third-party vendors but also enabling sophisticated A/B tests that significantly improved campaign performance.

6. Communicating effectively and transparently

If vendors don’t promptly address issues or questions, why do you need them at all? Communication is crucial to progressing through a project roadmap while staying flexible. For instance, when urgent tasks have to be prioritized or when something has gone awry and the resolution process has to take place.

The ideal vendor is more than a mere communicator. It’s a proactive strategist that explains potential challenges, sets up milestones, points to required resources, and establishes responsible parties.

Usually, such vendors never have trouble with planning regular meetings and transparent progress reports to keep clients updated and aligned. Moreover, they are praised for their project management style, which includes proactive communication and seamless collaboration, making them feel like an extension of the team​.

7. Expertly handling critical situations with poise

Despite the best planning, unforeseen issues can arise due to the dynamic nature of MarTech and human factors.

We’ve seen it first-hand with Seagate, where we had to handle critical security challenges with a comprehensive, multi-layered approach to guarantee the client's peace of mind and system integrity​​.In critical situations, the focus should be on resolving issues rather than assigning blame, and both parties should work together to resolve problems.

8. Balancing expertise with a willingness to experiment

Striking the balance between expertise and openness to experiment is like walking a tightrope. One careless step could have serious consequences. Yet, clients value those MarTech agencies that are bold enough to experiment while making sure their experiments are aligned with the client’s strategic goals and identity.

That’s why opt for vendors that balance proven solutions with innovative approaches! Offering a fresh take without disrupting the legacy is invaluable. When working with Thomson Reuters, Darwin was tasked with finding a way to turn blocks of hard numbers into an interactive and engaging online experience — a proper case of where new web technologies met a well-established world of data.

Darwin’s team is incredible at problem-solving and that’s one of my favorite things about working with them. I don’t think they have ever told me “No, there’s no way to do that.”

Amanda Hagley
Senior Web Marketing Manager at AlertMedia
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9. Providing transparent and comprehensive reporting

Nothing beats transparent and cut-to-the-chase reporting that draws a curtain back on a bigger picture as well as ongoing progress.

Clear updates on tasks, associated costs, and their strategic importance in achieving goals is crucial. At Darwin, we adjust our reporting practices to our clients’ preferences — weekly, biweekly, monthly, or quarterly. These reports can detail the team's activities, hours spent, task completion percentages, and expected completion dates, ensuring there are no surprises about time and cost changes.

With no-nonsense reports and dashboards, clients are geared up with insights into marketing strategies and better budget allocations​, which ultimately helps them make informed decisions and implement changes more quickly​​.

10. Demonstrating a deep understanding of your specific MarTech needs

Demonstrating an exceptional ability to understand and adapt to your requirements quickly goes hand un hand with Darwin's philosophy that "every developer is also a marketer". Grounded in a deep understanding of a client’s business and its challenges, this approach is a surefire way for vendors to offer tailored solutions, bring their clients to new heights. Vendors become part of your team when acting with their client’s best interests.

Thus, the vendor should thoroughly understand the client's product and business needs to deliver the best MarTech solutions and guarantee alignment with strategic goals and vision.

Ready to find a partner who truly understands your needs? Schedule a call and take the first step towards transforming your digital performance.

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