From Freelancers to Full-Service Agencies & How to Find Your MarTech Partner

May 21, 2024
May 21, 2024

To invest wisely, explore who is the best fit for your martech needs among freelancers, specialized agencies, mid-sized agile firms, and full-service agencies.

In the last few years, if you’re a marketer and don’t use the word "martech" in your daily vocabulary, it doesn’t mean it’s not part of your daily workday. Otherwise, you miss out on something absolutely crucial — the tools and software solutions that optimize marketing efforts, streamline complex processes, and help marketers manage their tasks more effectively. That’s basically what martech or marketing technology stands for.

Each marketing team has its own martech stack, which is a set of marketing solutions that they work with, such as HubSpot, SemRush, Mailchimp, WordPress, and many more. Each of them is a world in its own right. But keeping up with the opportunities they all offer only sounds simple. The reality is far from it: maintaining your martech stack requires a lot of expertise and technical skills.

That said, don’t rush off! Marketing technology is for all businesses. For instance, startups can hire freelancers to manage some specific marketing platforms, such as social media platforms. Small businesses, depending on their tasks and complexity, can work with freelancers or small specialized agencies like themselves or go big, partnering with mid-sized companies (often for properly scaling operations).

There are plenty of choices for mid-sized businesses, from freelancers to full-service agencies. What defines their direction is usually their business maturity and budget. Yet, for enterprises, the scope of vendors seems shorter. In the world of high stakes, they more often than not go for mid-sized agile agencies to delegate some of the marketing areas or get the best of large full-service agencies offering end-to-end solutions.

To make your search for a martech partner more transparent and smoother, we’ve clustered them into four groups: freelancers, small specialized agencies, mid-sized agile businesses, and large full-service agencies. Below, you’ll find descriptions and characteristics of each group, along with who they are ideal for, why, and in what cases they are best suited. Let’s go!

Classification of MarTech Partners


Independent professionals who offer specialized skills and services.



Highly flexible, can adapt to client needs on a project basis.


Often more affordable than agencies.


Focus on specific skills or services.


Limited capacity

Less stability

Can lack the resources and coordination of larger teams




Personalized attention

Ideal for


New businesses needing affordable and flexible marketing solutions.

Small Businesses:

SMEs that require specific marketing tasks to be handled without a full-time commitment.

Business Needs

Cost-Effective Solutions:

Businesses looking to maximize their marketing budget by hiring skilled professionals without the overhead costs associated with agencies.

Personalized Attention:

Companies that benefit from a more direct and personal working relationship with a freelancer.

Use Cases

Highly Specialized Tasks:

Suitable for tasks requiring specific skills, such as graphic design, copywriting, or social media management.

Flexible, Short-Term Engagements:

Ideal for businesses that need temporary assistance or want to trial a marketing initiative before committing to a larger project.

Marketing Budgets:

Low to Medium: These agencies are often more affordable, making them a good option for businesses with tighter budgets looking for specialized services.

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Small Specialized Agencies

These agencies focus on a specific niche or service, such as Salesforce implementation, design, or SEO.


Deep Expertise:

Highly knowledgeable in their specific area of specialization.

Limited Scope:

Offer a narrow range of services but excel in those areas.

Client Base:

Typically serve clients who need specialized expertise.


Highly specialized


Expert knowledge


Limited range of services

May lack coordination with other marketing functions

Ideal for

Small to Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs):

Companies looking to optimize specific areas of their marketing.

Project-Based Clients:

Clients needing one-off projects like a website redesign or a specific campaign.

Business Needs

Focused Services:

Organizations needing specialized services that do not require a broad range of marketing functions.

Supplementary Expertise:

Companies that have an in-house marketing team but need additional expertise in a particular area.

Use Cases

Niche Expertise:

Perfect for projects that require deep expertise in a specific area, such as SEO, content marketing, or Salesforce implementation.

Specific, Short-Term Projects:

Ideal for businesses needing expert assistance on a particular project or aspect of their marketing strategy.

Marketing Budgets:

Low to Medium: These agencies are often more affordable, making them a good option for businesses with tighter budgets looking for specialized services.

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Mid-Sized Agile Agencies

These agencies strike a balance between large full-service agencies and small specialized ones. They are composed of experts who often come from larger agencies but prefer a more dynamic and less bureaucratic environment.


Expert Teams:

Specialists from larger agencies who seek a more flexible and result-oriented work culture.

Custom Solutions:

Capable of providing customized, innovative solutions with greater agility.

Operational Model:

Collaborative, adaptive, and often less formal than large agencies.


Can be more expensive than small specialized agencies, but generally less costly than large ones.




Less bureaucratic

High-quality output

Ideal for

Growth Companies:

Mid-market businesses, high-growth startups.

Dynamic Brands:

Brands looking for creative and impactful marketing solutions.

Business Needs

Balanced Approach:

Businesses looking for a middle ground between high-cost, high-bureaucracy large agencies and highly specialized, but limited, small agencies.

Quality and Flexibility:

Companies requiring high-quality output with the flexibility to adapt and innovate.

Use Cases

Custom, Innovative Solutions:

Great for businesses seeking tailored solutions that require creative and agile approaches.

Project-Based Work:

Suitable for specific projects that need dedicated focus and specialized expertise without long-term commitments.

Quick Market Adaptation:

Ideal for companies that need to quickly adapt to market changes and want more flexibility in their marketing efforts.

Marketing Budgets:

Medium to High: These agencies offer a good balance between cost and quality, often providing excellent value for the money spent.

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Large Full-Service Agencies

These agencies offer end-to-end solutions and are known for their comprehensive service portfolios. They typically have core expertise but also collaborate with smaller specialized agencies to deliver a wide range of services.


Core Competency:

Strong internal expertise in key areas.


Excellent at assembling and managing teams from various small agencies.

Strategic Focus:

High emphasis on strategy, acting as the main architect and project manager.

Notable Clients:

Often work with high-profile clients such as Coca-Cola, Shell, etc.


Higher cost

Slower execution


Less flexible


Extensive experience

Proven track record

Strong brand reputation

Ideal for

Enterprise Companies:

Fortune 500 companies, multinational corporations.

Major Brands:

Coca-Cola, Shell, Mobile One, and the likes.

Business Needs

Integrated Marketing Solutions:

Companies that require a seamless integration of various marketing services such as digital marketing, traditional media, public relations, and more.

High-Level Strategic Guidance:

Organizations needing top-tier strategic advice and execution, often involving complex market analysis and extensive planning.

Use Cases

Complex, Multi-faceted Projects:

Ideal for large-scale marketing campaigns that require comprehensive strategy and coordination across various marketing channels.

Long-term Partnerships:

Suitable for businesses looking for a long-term strategic partner to manage all aspects of their marketing efforts.

Brand Management:

Effective for companies needing robust brand management and high-profile campaign execution.

Marketing Budgets:

High: Typically, these agencies come with a premium price tag due to their extensive resources, high-level expertise, and comprehensive service offerings.

Choosing the perfect martech partner is a journey that demands time, meticulous research, and smart decision-making. From aligning marketing tasks to staying within budget and predicting future needs, you have a lot on your plate. Let us lighten the load! Book a discovery call with us, and we’ll equip you with an essential checklist to navigate this process smoothly and confidently. 

Together, we'll ensure you find the ideal martech partner to drive your success.

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