Why Your Landing Page is Not Converting

Poor design? Weak messaging? Confusing UX? With a solid design approach, your landing pages play their role in your customer journey and drive leads.

For marketers, landing pages are their bread and butter. Fundamental changes take much time while crafting a landing page seems like a quicker process. We put so much on it thinking it’ll open doors for high conversion rates. The reality, though, is tough: our wait for the sales to surge in numbers looks eternal, and we tend to start thinking, where does the fault lie?

In fact, in your expectations. Around 96% of visitors aren’t there to make a purchase instantly. The good news is that they are highly likely to share their contact information if they land on the page. That’s what landing pages are for — converting visitors into leads (or customers if you’ve found a magic wand).

Increase conversions

by 202%

Research indicates that using personalized calls-to-action on landing pages can increase conversions by 202%. So, the time is ripe for dropping Buy-Now CTAs, especially in the B2B sector (unless your metrics say the contrary), and turning to options like signing up for a newsletter, downloading a PDF, or requesting a demo.

We feel you, fellow marketers! And we’re here to help.

What’s Wrong with My Landing Pages?

A list of reasons can run for pages, so we focus on the most critical ones.

One of the foundational threats is hidden in poor design. In some cases, it’s simply unattractive; in others, it offers a cluttered layout that randomly makes our eyes run over the page instead of focusing on the main message. For instance, it’s common to see the top navigation stripped out for a cleaner, more streamlined user experience, leaving as little as possible to compete with the primary CTA of that page.

Speaking of messaging, if your headlines and copy don’t clearly communicate the value propositions of your product or service, visitors may not understand why they should take action. So, put it down: the devil can be found in weak messaging

Obviously, if we didn’t mention confusing user experience (UX), we wouldn’t be taken seriously. From complicated navigation structures to slow-loading pages, there’s so much to consider.

Have you known that even a one-second delay in page load time can result in a 7% reduction in conversions?

But it’s not only functionality that matters. Psychologically, we tend to trust information less without testimonials, reviews, or other forms of social proof. This lack of trust can trigger your potential customers to start hesitating about the quality of your offering.

By aligning the messaging, design, and content with the campaign’s objective, you can deliver a personalized experience that resonates with your visitors.

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How to Fix It: The Comprehensive Landing Page Audit

Numbers don’t lie: Businesses with over 40 landing pages generate 12 times more leads than those with only 1 to 5 landing pages.

Data Analysis and Goals Review

Before you start auditing your landing pages, gather the current landing page analytics and the goals you planned to achieve. The problem may be that you set unrealistic targets. Anyway, the data and goals discrepancies will be clear to you. 

You can use a variety of tools and methods to collect and interpret data about your landing pages. For instance, Google Analytics can help you track metrics such as traffic sources, bounce rate, time on page, and conversions. 

Redefine your key performance indicators (KPIs), such as conversion rate, bounce rate, time on page, or cost per acquisition. Keep in mind that, depending on your business objectives, metrics for your landing pages can vary — leads, sales, sign-ups, downloads, or engagement. Grounded in industry benchmarks will serve you as a beacon later on.

Landing Page Web Design Audit

When reviewing your landing page design and layout, it’s important to make sure they align with your goals and metrics. Your headline and subheadlines should be clear, catchy, and relevant to your offer and audience, while images and videos should be high-quality, engaging, and supportive of your message. 

Your copy and content should be concise, persuasive, and focused on the benefits you provide visitors. The call to action (CTA) should also be prominent, compelling, and aligned with your goal design-wise. The form or button should be simple, visible, and easy to complete or click. Furthermore, trust signals such as testimonials, reviews, ratings, awards, or guarantees should be credible, relevant, and convincing.

Content Strategy Review

By aligning the ad copy with the landing page content, you create a cohesive experience that reinforces the message and increases the likelihood of conversion.

At this stage, we evaluate our landing page copy — headlines, feature descriptions and their benefits, testimonials, and other social proof, etc. Texts that are not clear, concise, and compelling don’t communicate the unique value of your product or service and fail to address your audience's concerns. 

Check whether or not your copy covers your users’ most pressing challenges. By talking about the problems your customers face, you deepen their interest in everything you offer. Don’t be too salesy or pushy. You can position yourself as a trusted guide in solving their problems. Consider using bullet points or numbered lists for easy readability and better comprehension of the benefits.

Analyze your calls to action (CTAs). A mismatch between users’ intent and CTAs can impact a landing page's performance. To make it easy for prospects to convert, keep your lead form accessible, preferably above the fold. Placing it prominently on the page reduces friction and increases conversion likelihood. Combining a compelling CTA, an enticing offer, and an accessible lead form can work wonders, especially for top-of-the-funnel prospects.

Landing Page Template Creation (Redesign or Frjm Scratch)

Armed with all the knowledge from previous phases, we strongly advise developing a landing page template. Whether you choose to redesign your current template or create a new one from scratch, that’s what you have to take into consideration:

  • Clearly define objectives — what you want to achieve with the landing page, such as increasing sign-ups, sales, or engagement.
  • Develop detailed personas for your typical users: their needs, preferences, and pain points drive the design choices. 
  • Analyze competitors’ landing pages to identify trends and effective design strategies in your market.
  • Make sure the template design is not overly complex. A clean, straightforward layout with a clear value proposition keeps the user focused and guides them toward the conversion goal.
  • Establish a visual hierarchy: use size, color, and placement to prioritize content and controls.
  • Maintain consistency across all templates not only in terms of visual style (colors, fonts, imagery) but also in the tone and manner of content.
  • Make sure the template is responsive across all devices.
  • Place clear and compelling CTAs at strategic locations within the template. Test different versions of CTA (such as text, size, color, and placement) to determine which performs best.
  • Optimize the template for fast loading times (optimizing images, minimizing CSS/JS, and leveraging browser caching)
  • Design with SEO in mind for high visibility in search results.5. Testing and Feedback
  • Regularly test different versions of your landing page templates to refine and improve them based on actual performance data.
  • Ensure the design template is easily adjusted or scaled for different campaigns or purposes without a complete redesign.

Easier said than done?

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